Trends in Nutrient Pollution in Delaware’s Inland Bays Tops the Agenda of Next CIB Science Meeting

Water quality in Delaware’s Inland Bays is impaired by years of pollution from excess nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus.  Our bays and creeks often are murky from algae blooms, have very few bay grasses or oysters, and do not support healthy oxygen levels in many areas.

At the next meeting of the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays Science and Technical Advisory Committee, David Wolanski, Environmental Scientist at the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), will discuss long-term trends in nutrient concentrations in Delaware waters, and their implications for state policies on water quality.  

The public is invited to attend the meeting on Friday, December 11th from 9 a.m.-12 noon at DNREC’s Lewes Field Facility at 901 Pilottown Road in Lewes by the public boat ramp.

Other topics to be discussed at the meeting are recent seaweed blooms in the Inland Bays, and nutrient loads from residential fertilizer use.  In addition, the STAC will hear an update on recent activities of the Center’s Your Creek Project teams, including publication of a “State of Love Creek” report.

The Science and Technical Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the CIB Board of Directors.  The public is welcome to attend these meetings.  Presentations from past STAC meetings can be viewed on the CIB website

The Delaware Center for the Inland Bays is a non-profit organization established in 1994 to promote the wise use and enhancement of the Inland Bays and its watershed.  With its many partners, the CIB conducts public outreach and education, develops and implements restoration projects, encourages scientific inquiry, and sponsors research.  For more information, or to learn how you can support this important work call visit our website at